Cresap Family Reunion 2018
Board Meeting Minutes
Asilomar, California
Board Meeting Minutes
Asilomar, California
Meeting called to order at 9:30am by President Ty Cresap.
Opening Remarks: This is the first reunion for the entire membership held on the West Coast of the U.S. 54 people are registered and approximately half are from the West Coast area. The last meeting marked the 100th Anniversary of The Cresap Society. We pledged then to set up a web site and this was accomplished. We wanted to set up projects to inspire our younger cousins to become interested and involved. It was one of the best attended reunions.
2018 President’s Report: The biggest change during this period was the establishment of the website We have a Facebook Page titled The Cresap Society. (@cresapsociety) Potential goal: a regular blog. Reunion pictures can be posted on your FB page or Instagram with the hashtags #2018CresapReunion and @Cresap Society. A good printer (Copy King) for the Bulletin was found in Monterey.
Treasurer’s Report: Ty announced that the balance has decreased somewhat due mainly to the website expenses. There are no more bank fees. Because the majority of Cresap members have opted to receive email copies of the Bulletin instead of paper copies, the cost of producing the Bulletin has been drastically reduced. Membership has increased by 17 people and is now 339, the bank balance is $44,992.30.
Historian Report: Nina Higgins was unable to attend. She has been busy writing articles for the bulletin. She has been involved with Karen Cresap, Champ Zumbrun, and Bob Bantz in writing a book titled “Cresap’s Rifles.” The book has been published and is available on
Genealogist Report: Lavinia Schwarz has taken over this vital task from Cheryl Singhal. Cheryl’s husband put on a thumb drive everything he could find on her computer that he thought would be useful for us. No paper files were received. Lavinia has been working hard and she needs more help. She urges Cresaps to send her information on births, deaths, marriages, corrections and any interesting items about those people involved – please include full dates and places with sources as you have them. Send it to her and she will work with it. Numbers change from Cresap book to book. When people refer to family numbers they should indicate which Cresap book they come from. Consider joining The Cresap or Swearingen DNA project through ftdna (FamilyTree DNA). All the names, years and numbers from the 1987 Cresap book are in our computer data base, as are new additions and corrections submitted by members, but the full book is not entered. She welcomes material and strongly urges members to help her in this matter. Little stories about people in your own line are most welcome. Forms for members to use online hopefully will become available. Anita Chardavoine, her genealogy partner, transferred file titles from the thumb drive to an excel spreadsheet and they are working through them. As of June 21st our Thomas Cresap family tree has 25,041 people in it; 16,146 direct descendants of Thomas and Hannah. It would be too expensive to do a book as it would involve several books. Not only expensive to print but too expensive to buy.
Archivist Report: Karen Cresap has been concentrating on writing and publishing Cresap’s Rifles with the help of Nina Higgins, Champ Zumbrun, and Bob Bantz. She is interested in reaching out to more people urging them to send pertinent Cresap material to her. She urges everyone to identify photos. The majority of Cresaps do not carry the Cresap name. Too often when they become interested in family history it’s too late and the individuals who do know have passed on. Take photos of both sides of annotated pictures and indicate the identified person’s name and who identified them, not just “Dad.” Take photos of pages and send them to Karen as well as any other physical items. She has adequate space to store all these things. Soon she will be receiving the contents of two large Rubbermaid plastic boxes from one of the cousins!
Editor Report: Sharen Ronchi reports that this has been a challenging two years. She urges Cresaps to send stories. When they send in births, deaths, marriages add a few sentences about the people involved as this is a good connecting feature. This is Sharen’s 11th or 12th year as Editor, she reported.
Youth Outreach: Nina Higgins could not be present. She will continue in this role. This year’s meeting included hats for the young people and stories interesting to children at the evening session of the reunion.
Social Media: Photos of the reunion can be posted on Instagram. (and Facebook)
Store Keeper: Items can be ordered online from the website. Laurie McCotter and Laureen Nicholson will continue to do this task.
New Business: Membership renewals a problem. Mailing labels used to have that information but it was too involved to keep up. Bulletin will contain information that dues should be forthcoming at the end of each year. One’s dues include website access to files and the bulletin.
Society of Cincinnati: Ty Cresap was asked to be the Cresap member representing the Cresap Society. He has attended 3 formal meetings in Baltimore.
Cresap Logo: It was suggested that this issue be tabled until the 2020 meeting. At this time, a list of possible logos should be presented for the membership to vote on.
Candidates for Board members: The following slate was proposed for the vote of those members attending the reunion at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California following our closing banquet.
President - Drew Scanner. (Drew lives near Atlanta, GA and attended the Centennial Cresap Society Reunion in 2018. He was unable to come to this meeting.)
1st Vice President - Michael T. Cresap
2nd Vice President - Michael S. Cresap
Executive Secretary/Treasurer – Ty Cresap
Genealogist – Lavinia G. Schwarz, assisted by Anita Chardavoine
Archivist - Karen Cresap
Editor – Sharen Ronchi
Store Keepers – Laurie McCotter, Laureen Nicholson
Youth Outreach – Nina Higgins
Social Media – Liz Tommasino (decided to stay on after Reunion)
Historian – Nina Higgins
Advisory Board: Betse Davies, Anita Chardavoine, Anne Allen, Marc Allen, Ray Cresap, Mike Harkleroad, and Karey Cresap
Evening Meeting at Banquet Saturday evening June 30, 2018
The President of the Board Ty Cresap presented the slate of officers for the Cresap Board to the members. No additional nominations were made. The nominations for the Board read at the June 29 meeting were unanimously voted in. Location of the 2020 meeting will be on the east coast. Exactly where will be decided at a later date as well as the date of that Reunion. The members thanked Ty Cresap for the excellent job he has done as President for the last few years.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth (Betse) Tallmadge Davies
Opening Remarks: This is the first reunion for the entire membership held on the West Coast of the U.S. 54 people are registered and approximately half are from the West Coast area. The last meeting marked the 100th Anniversary of The Cresap Society. We pledged then to set up a web site and this was accomplished. We wanted to set up projects to inspire our younger cousins to become interested and involved. It was one of the best attended reunions.
2018 President’s Report: The biggest change during this period was the establishment of the website We have a Facebook Page titled The Cresap Society. (@cresapsociety) Potential goal: a regular blog. Reunion pictures can be posted on your FB page or Instagram with the hashtags #2018CresapReunion and @Cresap Society. A good printer (Copy King) for the Bulletin was found in Monterey.
Treasurer’s Report: Ty announced that the balance has decreased somewhat due mainly to the website expenses. There are no more bank fees. Because the majority of Cresap members have opted to receive email copies of the Bulletin instead of paper copies, the cost of producing the Bulletin has been drastically reduced. Membership has increased by 17 people and is now 339, the bank balance is $44,992.30.
Historian Report: Nina Higgins was unable to attend. She has been busy writing articles for the bulletin. She has been involved with Karen Cresap, Champ Zumbrun, and Bob Bantz in writing a book titled “Cresap’s Rifles.” The book has been published and is available on
Genealogist Report: Lavinia Schwarz has taken over this vital task from Cheryl Singhal. Cheryl’s husband put on a thumb drive everything he could find on her computer that he thought would be useful for us. No paper files were received. Lavinia has been working hard and she needs more help. She urges Cresaps to send her information on births, deaths, marriages, corrections and any interesting items about those people involved – please include full dates and places with sources as you have them. Send it to her and she will work with it. Numbers change from Cresap book to book. When people refer to family numbers they should indicate which Cresap book they come from. Consider joining The Cresap or Swearingen DNA project through ftdna (FamilyTree DNA). All the names, years and numbers from the 1987 Cresap book are in our computer data base, as are new additions and corrections submitted by members, but the full book is not entered. She welcomes material and strongly urges members to help her in this matter. Little stories about people in your own line are most welcome. Forms for members to use online hopefully will become available. Anita Chardavoine, her genealogy partner, transferred file titles from the thumb drive to an excel spreadsheet and they are working through them. As of June 21st our Thomas Cresap family tree has 25,041 people in it; 16,146 direct descendants of Thomas and Hannah. It would be too expensive to do a book as it would involve several books. Not only expensive to print but too expensive to buy.
Archivist Report: Karen Cresap has been concentrating on writing and publishing Cresap’s Rifles with the help of Nina Higgins, Champ Zumbrun, and Bob Bantz. She is interested in reaching out to more people urging them to send pertinent Cresap material to her. She urges everyone to identify photos. The majority of Cresaps do not carry the Cresap name. Too often when they become interested in family history it’s too late and the individuals who do know have passed on. Take photos of both sides of annotated pictures and indicate the identified person’s name and who identified them, not just “Dad.” Take photos of pages and send them to Karen as well as any other physical items. She has adequate space to store all these things. Soon she will be receiving the contents of two large Rubbermaid plastic boxes from one of the cousins!
Editor Report: Sharen Ronchi reports that this has been a challenging two years. She urges Cresaps to send stories. When they send in births, deaths, marriages add a few sentences about the people involved as this is a good connecting feature. This is Sharen’s 11th or 12th year as Editor, she reported.
Youth Outreach: Nina Higgins could not be present. She will continue in this role. This year’s meeting included hats for the young people and stories interesting to children at the evening session of the reunion.
Social Media: Photos of the reunion can be posted on Instagram. (and Facebook)
Store Keeper: Items can be ordered online from the website. Laurie McCotter and Laureen Nicholson will continue to do this task.
New Business: Membership renewals a problem. Mailing labels used to have that information but it was too involved to keep up. Bulletin will contain information that dues should be forthcoming at the end of each year. One’s dues include website access to files and the bulletin.
Society of Cincinnati: Ty Cresap was asked to be the Cresap member representing the Cresap Society. He has attended 3 formal meetings in Baltimore.
Cresap Logo: It was suggested that this issue be tabled until the 2020 meeting. At this time, a list of possible logos should be presented for the membership to vote on.
Candidates for Board members: The following slate was proposed for the vote of those members attending the reunion at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California following our closing banquet.
President - Drew Scanner. (Drew lives near Atlanta, GA and attended the Centennial Cresap Society Reunion in 2018. He was unable to come to this meeting.)
1st Vice President - Michael T. Cresap
2nd Vice President - Michael S. Cresap
Executive Secretary/Treasurer – Ty Cresap
Genealogist – Lavinia G. Schwarz, assisted by Anita Chardavoine
Archivist - Karen Cresap
Editor – Sharen Ronchi
Store Keepers – Laurie McCotter, Laureen Nicholson
Youth Outreach – Nina Higgins
Social Media – Liz Tommasino (decided to stay on after Reunion)
Historian – Nina Higgins
Advisory Board: Betse Davies, Anita Chardavoine, Anne Allen, Marc Allen, Ray Cresap, Mike Harkleroad, and Karey Cresap
Evening Meeting at Banquet Saturday evening June 30, 2018
The President of the Board Ty Cresap presented the slate of officers for the Cresap Board to the members. No additional nominations were made. The nominations for the Board read at the June 29 meeting were unanimously voted in. Location of the 2020 meeting will be on the east coast. Exactly where will be decided at a later date as well as the date of that Reunion. The members thanked Ty Cresap for the excellent job he has done as President for the last few years.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth (Betse) Tallmadge Davies